
Only If I Was Your Friend

If I was your friend
I’d promise that I will be there
A shoulder to cry on, hugs until the end
Share the scars that you wear
Nobody can!! I will listen when you talk,
Catch you when they push you down
Hold your hand when the road is long to walk,
When they are trying to get your crown
Get your dreams closer to you
Whatever it takes I will get them
And make them come true
Buff up them until they are precious gems
I will help you up, come on!
Take my hand; you can get through the pain
Be beside you in the battlefield until you have won
Don’t cry! You can get up again!
You will not be alone
I will fill you up with happiness and love
Just keep the faith, you’re strong as bone
Once again you will fly with the clouds above

Only if I was your friend,

But you CAN do it on your own!