Nicki Jackson

I miss you

I was going through a lot

No one understood

I wanted to sit alone

I didn\'t want to speak

I needed to focus on me

I needed to fix somethings


Everyone was mad

Everyone wanted me to speak

They would push my limits

They didn\'t understand

What I was doing was good


You, understood

You, gave me my space

When I sat alone at lunch

You just sat right next to me

Told me you wouldn\'t speak

You understood what I was doing

You just didn\'t want me to sit alone


I love you for that

I thank you everyday

You understood

When no one else did


School ended

We graduated

I remember the look on your face

You were ready to take on life

You looked me in the eyes

“We did it” you said

You hugged me


Summer took me to California

Summer kept you home

We didn\'t talk much

I wish we did

Because that one summer day

I got the call

I could breath

I couldn\'t speak

All I could do was cry

I wanted to fly back

And say goodbye


You crashed your car

And now you\'re gone