Poetae Opus


I find no evolution when,

My hand slides over my stomach,

And tries to reach a Heaven,

Followed by

A Dumbness instead;


I find myself

Caught in a wire when,

My throat claims

To be the Queen of the Air,

And bestows her bosom,

In order to be admired,


For Plants smile at her,

And say:

“You are the one who,

Make us aspire,

To a better realm”


So much Patience,

I have worked out,


But such a red shadow surrounds me still,

For I can beat up myself,

Against the same wall,

And never uplift my eyes,

To a new world;


So much Fever,

I have embraced,


But there is no worst illness,

Than the one carried on our soul,


Whereas Orgies & Songs aren’t enough,

To fill up such a Hole;



I’m still being the Ocean,

Every Galleon sails out,


For my Future won’t change my Past,

But my Present will set up my nails,

If I get concentrated well;


Everyday a new life is born,

So the chance to start over

Always remains open,


In which I’ll never fall

Into my old abyss,


For Thorns & Tears are singing

A black psalm,

Awaiting for anyone to be down

And becoming them part of the Choir,

By the illusion

To make them feel Pride.