Songs of the Rain

The way I see it,

Rain comes from Clouds.


Each rain drop created,

High above the sky,

Only to be dropped down to earth.

And on it\'s way down,

It looks a the world and all the creatures upon it..

It sees trees and grass,

Homes and parks,

Nature calling,

And humanity loving.

Then, right before the raindrop hits the ground,

It decides how it feels based upon everything it saw.


So, when the rain drop falls to Earth, 

It sings it\'s song.

Makes it\'s call,

Its cry.

Keeping the Earth from being dry.


It sings about what the raindrop saw,

What it felt..


But, I also believe that we, 

As humans,

Live in a world that is over-runned,

By Greed.

By Hate, and by Lust.


Therefore-- We as humans,

Cannot hear The Songs of the Rain.

Our minds pass them over as water all the same.

But if only we\'d open our ears,

Our minds,

Just a little-- Wider.


If only,

If only.


An original poem By,


The observations of our world;

Through the eyes of a thirteen year old.