
Dinner Date

The words you speak, spilt out of the depths of Yggdrasil. As long as you move the winds of midgard blow steadily.

As you sleep Jörmungandr dormantly aches closer. But still you know no bound to which he constricts.

And when the rain doth fall, we know there\'s a tear dear ever present Gaia.

Nature queen mend the fools, oh queen of growth, teach us to root.

And most of all, tell me the wisdom of a God\'s love. And if mortal can share a bond, or will the rope, be the fate of oraborus.

If it does lead no hand to hurt, as I\'m sure you already know. Please forgive the heart\'s beat, It needs one word to sate the many unsaid.

Loki stand thy fork down, Forgive me if I give the trickster a frown. Thor, I mean not to be such a bore.

And Odin, Put me not to your hatred woden. As I may not survive this fruitless quest.

At least I can now lay down to rest. As I draw near my least given food, the glare is shared between us two.

The seats are empty and the hall is bare. As We walk to the entrance door, I see there is more, More to this than ever before.


But before I can speak, I\'m thrown out on the street. To this day, My life and fantasy do meet.