Frank Prem

Franks Psychiatry 5 # 66: cigarette? still laughing!

she’s a stroller
with teeth
false ones that shine bright
like ill-fitting pickets
behind a rictus of lips


and that particular laugh


heh heh heh Heh HEh HEH HEH


would work best
around a cauldron
in a group of three


with thunder


beady-eyed chief scrounger
her stroll is always


in pursuit


of an unfinished cigarette
a butt-end that can be manipulated
to provide the elusive last drag
or a light
to get the




damn thing going


on sunny days
the cackle
filters down the slope of the yard


from where she reclines
on the hostel’s broken chaise lounge
and chortles to a private amusement
from the apex position
that commands a view
of every likely location
and repository
for a careless discard


retrieved swiftly
like the bright flash
of descended lightning
while the fag-end still bravely salutes
with the rise of a sinuous blue wisp


oh yes
this is the good life


heh Heh HEH

