lea cobain .

reality love..

stop watching the fantasy romance movies.
stop thinking it’s all looks, get to know souls and personalities .

no love is flawless some love is loveless
look for love that makes you sleepless
drop the love that makes you look foolish and makes your eyes a red wet mess
expect respect and nothing less

remember you can’t make them give loyalty
expect love and affection yes but don’t expect to be royalty

make them know you cherish them
but let them know you won’t tear yourself apart trying to water the love stem
let your peddles open and water the flower with them

you’ll give your all to someone and they will leave you in the dirt with a heart no longer whole
it makes you learn and be cautious of the others next but soon you’ll notice your other will have your heart stole

it takes time to find a one true enough for your sores and aching heart
but breaking the walls of your love is definitely a start