Frank Prem

Franks Psychiatry 5 #66: the tweedle man

they dress him in braces
that hold up his jeans
to just under his chest


with a red cap on top
he is baby brother
to the tweedles
both dum and dee


special built boots for club feet
adjust a walking slant
that can’t make up its mind
to be either a jaunt
or a topple-in-progress


under the cap is the devil of a grin
and the gleam from his eyes
could be a boy’s glass marbles
peeping out from a close-held bag




look at my pants nurse


it’s an outrage
to be wet again


look nursey
look at my pants


who’s going to change him




and after that
it’s unspoken but shared
that it’s ever so much better
dear nursey
sweet nurse
much much better
to be dry


he slant-saunters away
hidden somewhere under the brim
of his hat


tweedle-ee tweedle-ay

