
Birthing A Poem

To create a poem is to see beyond words
sprinkled on a clean page.  As the touch of oil and
brush on canvas discloses a brilliant sunset, so
a poem is conceived in the art of delicate
positioning and the imaginative coupling
of common words.

A poem is a careful, sometimes inexplicable acknowledgement
of sounds, a musing light that flickers in the corner of the
mind, overshadowed often by the rush of ideas racing
through the brain, declaring their importance,
demanding accommodation and attention.

An idea flares.
A poem glows.

In a vital way, a poem addresses the
heart of humanity as both prophet and
 prescription, providing the imagination with
thoughtful possibility or inquisitive observation.
An aligning of words in shape and form unknown
before, never constructed in exactly this unique
manner, a poem leaves footprints where none
existed before, an imprinting upon creation of
impressions and symbols uniquely born for the
moment.  Once done, a poem, regardless of
accolades or applause, lives forever, never
stops floating through a universe that is
conscious of the distinct worth
of a little flame waiting in the
shadowy corners of a 
human mind.