I MAY still be ALIVE at the end of this

Century ~ so I am concerned about

Life on Earth in two thousand one hundred (2100)

Population could be fifteen billion

Global temperature rise ~ Five Celcius

Average sea level rise of two metres

Deforestation ~ Urbanisation 

Carbon dioxide levels will rise from

Four hundred - eight hundred parts per million

Makes Planet Earth much less habitable !

Plans to colonise MARS are Space Fiction 

MOON - VENUS Madness ~ Nowhere else to go !

Hawaii ~ inner space ~ overheating

We must sustain Planet Earth or PERISH !


Thanks for visiting ~ comments welcome ~ Love BRIAN XOX


I am an Environmental Scientist ~ not a Prophet of Doom 

I\'m just presenting a Conservative estimate of the facts !

The effects of Global warming ~ such as the melting of the

icecaps and sea level rise are irreversible ~ so it is already

TOO LATE !  Most of you will not be around in 2100 (I\'ll be

117 !) but your Children and Grandchildren will ! What sort

of PLANET are you leaving for them ? Be Clean ~ Think Green !


This poem is presented as a BLANK VERSE Sonnet ~ OK