
Plenipotentiary Priest - Hebrews Series: 4

Tune: Diademata

(\'Crown Him with many crowns\')

Hebrews 4 v.10-16


Let us be diligent

To enter, penitent

God\'s rest, cease from our own labours

And strivings of the hours

To salvation attain

Our efforts cannot gain

But trusting Christ, salvation He

Brings to each person, see


For word of God living

Is, help to us does bring

Is powerful, and sharper than

Any sword made by man

It pierces to divide

Where soul, spirit reside

And parts the joints, marrow within

To cleanse the deepest sin


It discerns every part

Of thoughts, intents of heart

Neither is there any creature

From Him can hidden be

All open to His sight

No darkness, but all light

All is laid before Him, \'tis true

With whom we have to do


Seeing then we have sure

Great high priest evermore

Passed into the heavens, the Son

Jesus, God\'s Son, the one

Let us therefore hold fast

Profession to the last

For He, high priest, he with us shares

In all man\'s needs and cares


For He not a high priest

That cares not in the least

But is touched with all the feeling

Of our weakness, each thing

Where we infirm, no power

He help on us does shower

He knows, He shares, does sympathise

Through Him pur spirits rise


For He was in all points

Tempted, Spirit anoints

Him to o\'ercome and not to sin

Not be defiled within

So let us come boldly

Unto throne of grace free

Confident to obtain mercy

And find grace when need be