I hate online shopping
The reason for this is clear
The models are always popping
And it fills me with fear
I hate online shopping
For the clothes are what I need
But my mood starts flopping
And I look away with speed
The models are so fit
The models are so attractive
It makes me want to quit
Why do I get so reactive
It makes me feel sad
It makes me judge myself
Why do I get this bad
All because of health
The models are so beefy
And all I think of is fat
I feel so unhealthy
My mind is filled with that
Body positivity on the news
Which is what should rid my blues
But there\'s no male representative
And I feel alone and sensitive
The overweight men
Forever forgotten
This will be solved when?
And cure us of being rotten
So I will stand up and ask
Why society fails at this task
And leaves us this way
Left for another day
I want some change
For a little bit of range
So I can see what my clothes will look like
By them being worn by someone alike