
Beautiful lie


The darkness isn’t scary

It’s not something you could bury

The darkness could be your only friend

So don’t judge it in the end


I watch as everything begins to crash and burn

What was once a dream has taken a terrible turn

I’ve lived life as fully as can be

But what will it take before they see the real me


I love the dark

It’s the easiest way to find that spark

It’s hard and the road is very long

But at the end you come up strong


I gave up

I mean I stared at a half empty cup

If I couldn’t undo my frown

Then maybe I could drown


Another failed attempt

I’ll make a bet

If I look at the memories I’ve kept

I’ll find that Death doesn’t want me yet


I don’t know who to trust

And how do I do what I must

Why do you expect so much

Why do you think I’m capable of such


You say I should fight

That at the end there’ll be a beautiful sight

But that is a beautiful lie

That’s being said because you just want me to try


But I’ve given up trying

I’ve spent too much time crying

I have nothing except pain

And in the end

Darkness is my only friend