Ahem! Excuse me just a moment.
Have you ever been...so disappointed in yourself, that you become anonymous as to who you knew you were?
Like...you realise that the choices and actions you made weren\'t really necessary...or good enough?
I have. I\'ve watched the me I dreamed about just disappear. Not like boom!! New me...but like no, stop...what are...oh not that...wait no...all. my. life. I broke the strongest bridge I didn\'t even build. Family. I turned into a monster. Wow.
Friends have become scarcer each year yet I\'ve been walking around like lifes good. Nah. Not who I am. Now I understand friendships come and go. Yet family is all you have. Ouch.
I\'ve seen my mountain...top of the world dreams...just shatter. Yeah, I\'m human. I make mistakes. I made choices that I found out were horrible ideas. And no good conversations or buddy to buddy talks will ever fix my deal. However. I broke my bonds. It\'s up to me now.
Sorry. Chatter box.
Just needed a moment. Please live knowing what ever chosen idea you\'re gun ho about, it has consequences. Good...and bad. It could affect everything.
Peace, love, and tranquility. Stay humble and \'rising above\' will show you what\'s up.