Tune: Westminster Abbey
(\'Christ is made the sure foundation\')
Acts 2 v.1-13
Comes the day, Pentecost arrives
Comes to change and transform lives
There in one place and in one mind
The Spirit they there did find
Outpouring, the Holy Spirit
To lives in agreement knit
Suddenly a sound from heaven
God\'s Spirit, the promise given
Sound of rushing mighty strong wind
No earth\'s power could rescind
Filled all the house where they gathered
They the experience shared
Appearance of cloven tongues there
Like as of fire, godly fear
And it did sit there on each one
All were filled with Him, bar none
They began to speak, other tongues
Spirit gave breath to voice, lungs
Devout Jews from every nation
Had gathered there, elation
For their feast of Pentecost due
First-fruits of the harvest new
Now the first-fruits of the Spirit
Each heart empowered and lit
They were confused, for they did hear
Their own languages spoken near
By those who the Spirit received
They had waited, they believed
Now anointed, full of power
Spoke God\'s wonders in that hour