

Haha! i hear from a faint voice

A voice coming from a seemingly calm but assured creature

\"I see you\'ve made your choice\"

\"The consequence for your mind torture\"


Ah! i jump up in Fright

Oh! t\'was but a dream

But my strings feel so tight

I had them damaged while i jumped it may seem


My mind aches in pain

My body responds with same

What choice sparked such a mare\'?

For such for me are rare


I scanned my conscience for a clue

The faintest idea of my mistake

And out of the sky all blue

I realized my misstep


A solemn vow i mutter

Summoning strength as i stutter

As a hot knife through butter

The pain slices me as aloud i utter


\"Others i shall put first\"

\"Myself i shall care for later\"

\"For others i shall give my best\"

\"That in itself makes me better\"