
Go Green


Go green
don\'t be obscene
keep it clean
Go green
healthy whole earth green
recycle reuse reduce
no excuse
clean the air green.
Inhale the Cedar and Pine
exhale all to the forest green.

The Redwoods and Sequoias so tall

the Willows bending low mirror all

and remind humankind to feel the pull

in our collective soul.

Together we symbiotically share

breath and life to grow
Go green and not resist the flow

Keep all watering places wild and free

From beginning to end,on their natural course
emerging sound and purposeful at their source
From the rock and roll of stream

to the rapid whirling rhythm of waters fall
Water is life blood to us all.
The journey of karmic drops of rain
that sing forever waters sweet refrain
Keep the ocean clean and serene

for all that dwell near
Let\'s be crystal clear and hold all dear here
Motion moving colors blue and green clean
Anemone,octopus,eel and rainbowed  trout

Flukes and giant hearts echo true
in glinting spray and spout
amplify the view
Listen to the chorus strong from sky to sea
The haunting cry of gull, whooping crane and loon
and crashing wave in fluid harmony
Have a care everywhere
and for everything green
and for above as below
go green be green.-MLH