
It was September, 2001, when we went to war
After coming under attack, an attack we came from not dead, but bloodied and sore
Following Nine Eleven, a great feeling of patriotism swept this land
As our men and women went to fight on foreign rock and sand
From Herat to Hit, Kabul to Iraq
To keep us free, our men and women have been breaking their back
Here at home, thanks to them, we sleep in peace
We owe our lives as we know it to them, at the least
Thankfully, I get to sleep well and warm tonight
And that is because bravely they fight

It did not take a year for freedom to make its cost known
And seeds of anti-war or unpatriotic feelings were sown
But it\'s a war we had to fight, one we need to win
Some agree, others think fighting it is a sin
Now, they are coming home, the war is trying\' to end
Time to dress our wounds, old injuries to mend
War will go, but anger, pain, and opinions remain
With the war before and the next one, it has and will be the same
By an attack, to God and each other we were united;
Through war, in faith and beliefs we\'ve been divided.