
Blind Beauty

I see right through those deep green eyes

Right through to the core 

Right where even she doesn\'t see but every so often any more... 

Contemplating her composure so she fits the new known her... 

Unknowingly blind to the beauty that\'s inside and out

Surprisingly unjustifiably coincidental no doubt

I think she is undoubtably beautiful

And she says the same about me

We can\'t see what is unknown to us 

But we can have faith in the WE...

I think she is beautiful

And she thinks that about me

I believe her 

Now can she just believe me...?

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

Is that why she doesn\'t see the pedestal that I hold her?

No pressure and no rush baby

Your right where you need to be

No standard and no brush baby

Trust in yourself and trust in me...