
Pride & Ego

Pride and Ego, Can be dangerous,
Selfishness can grow, hate in us.

Nothing is gained, from these mindsets,
They produce nothing, but blindness.

Eyes shut, to the beauty of humanity,
Nothing but, loathing and impending insanity.

Losing your mind, and you dont understand why,
Understand your true-self, open your eyes.

You are more, than your teachings,
Aim for the sky, and keep reaching, and reaching.

You limit yourself, and emotional behaviour,
You kick and you scream, hoping someone will save ya.

But it is you, who has the ability, to grow.
It is you, that has all of the knowledge, you need to know.

So relax, take a moment, grab your life hold it, and own it,
Show the universe, your not done, its your life just control it.