
Forth In Faith: Hebrews Series - 7

Tune: Halton Holgate

(\'Firmly I believe and truly\')

Hebrews 6 v.12-20


Be not slothful, but do  follow

Those whose lives, witness, you know

As like them, through faith and patience

Inherit promises hence


For when God He did make promise

To Abraham, we see this

Because none greater to sware by

He swore by Himself, no lie


Saying, Surely blessing I will

Bless you, multiply you still

And so after he had patient

Endured, [he] obtained promise sent


For men truly swear by greater (than themselves)

To make things clear now, later

And an oath for confirmation

Ends disputes, consternation


So God, willing more abundant

His promise not redundant

But He shows the heirs His promise

He determined, He does this


Makes His promise immutable

Confirms by an oath to all

So by swearing and by an oath

Unchangeable He [is] in both


Thu we have strong consolation

Believers of each nation

Who have fled for refuge to lay

On the hope set \'[be]fore us ay (alway)


This hope we have as an anchor

Of the soul, steadfast and sure

And which enters into the veil

Where our high priest does prevail


Even Jesus, He our high priest

Saves from greatest unto least

Priest of Melchizedek\'s order

Lives eternal, faith our spur