
Eternal Empathy: Hebrews Series - 8

Tune: O Waly Waly

(\'An upper room did our Lord prepare\')

Hebrews 7 v.23-28


Now Christ, because He continues e\'er

Has a priesthood that changes ne\'er

So He is able to save us sure

Who died, now lives for evermore


Able to save to the uttermost

Those that come to Him from each coast

Seeing He ever lives, intercedes

For them, His offering He pleads


For such a high priest us befitted

Who is holy, harmless, suited

To help us, He undefiled, true this

Separate from sinners too is*


And He is made higher than heavens

Who needs not daily, not happens

As Old Covenant high priest did wake (each day)

Continual sacrifice to make


To take away sins that were their own

And the people\'s penitence shown

For Christ did once give self for our sins

New Covenant it then begins


For the law does make of men high priests

To serve at sacrifices, feasts

Yet they weak, not continue for e\'er

But now Christ with us life does share


The word of the oath, made since the law

Makes Christ to be our high priest sure

A priest of Melchizedek\'s order

Consecrated for evermore


* Christ is separate from us in a way, with us all

being \'sinners\', in the sense of being separate from sin.