O.G. Tone

Burn Racism You Bastard !!!

I started to squeal like a stuffed pig

Being roasted over an open

Fire pit

With laughter

I had these desires

Amber\'s of chard wood

Were flying every where

Smoke so thick

It was like clouds had

Formed here

I was trapped in a four alarm


That I started

The building was burning

And I was passive

The fire was huge and I was a

Sadistic bastard

They have fucked me

For the last time

Like I wasn\'t going to do shit

Yeah ... Right

I was going to make you

Regret you even came to work

You thought I was going to let

You mentally in slave me again

Fuck friends

I thought first

After all these years of harboring

This deep down hurt again

I would rather

Destroy you all from making

Money off my sweaty balls

The building shall fall and I shall

Stand around and watch

It burn

Now its my turn

To return the favor

To my deserving neighbors

I am black of course

And far from a dumb ass

I will always

Remember what my people

Have went through

I live it everyday dumb ass

Racism on the job that is

I am not going to be nice not

One more damn day


If I smile then I am

Feeling some type of fucken way

But I am not a slave remember

I am human

That\'s why you shall burn

I will never admit I have done this

I always want you to remember

My hurt too

Burn racism, burn hatred, burn ignorance

Burn the shame

For who and what I have become

I am not afraid

I will die in the same blaze

But I refuse to die today with you

Today racism ends

Burn racism you bastard