
Am I Next?

Am I next?


Will I be sitting in class one day listening to a lecture that I really do not care about but have to stay awake for the grade


am I next?

about to lay my head down on my desk as I hear screams in the hallways like a horror movie soundtrack someone started playing loudly

am I next?

the kid that sits behind me in all of my classes bursting through the door with a weapon that they have no business having

am I next?


Hiding anywhere we can just do save ourselves seeing people we love getting injured

are we next? 

is my school next? 

are my friends next?

my teachers?


how many more people must be robbed of their futures?


their future children

their future career

and hope their future grandchildren

        how many more must be robbed of their lives before you do something ?

I just want you to answer me this question

this one 10 question


how many more will be next until you do something?