
The New Covenant: Hebrews Series - 9

Tune: Abbots Leigh

(\'Glorious things of thee are spoken\')

Hebrews 8 v.7-12


If the Old Covenant had been

Faultless, no need would be seen

For a New Covenant, for sure

The Old would abide e\'ermore

But finding fault there, the Lord said

I will make new one instead

New Covenant with house [of] Israel

And with house [of] Judah, forth tell


It not be according to Old

Covenant to fathers told

That He made with them when He took

Them by the hand, not forsook

And did out of Egypt them lead

In the wilderness did feed

But they continued not [in] His ways

Though He provided all days


They did not His Covenant keep

Yet they be His people, sheep

So He did not them much regard

They of Him grew weary, tired

Then this be the Covenant that He

Would make with His people, see

Make one New, former days be gone

Make one New, through Christ His Son


The Lord He would put His laws in

Our minds, change bias to sin

And He would write them in our hearts

That none here from Him departs

And He would to us a God be

We would be His people free

And they shall not on man depend

To know the Lord, He would tend


Would tend to us, His Spirit send

To teach us all things, no end

So all would know Him, from the least

To greatest, north, south, west, east

For He would be here merciful

To our unrighteousness all

And our sins and iniquities

Remember no more, us frees