
Covenant of Christ: Hebrews Series - 10

Tune: Laus Deo

(\'Bright the vision that delighted\')

Hebrews 9 v.12-14


Not by the blood of goats and calves

But by His own blood Christ saves

Entered once into holy place

To save all of every race


He has now for us sure obtained

Eternal redemption claimed

For if blood of bulls and of goats

Cleanses, what then Christ promotes?


Old Covenant animals slain

Outward cleansing they (the people) did gain

But how much more shall Christ\'s blood shed

Bring inward cleansing, \'tis said


He through the eternal Spirit

Offered Himself as was writ

Without spot to God, so cleansing

Conscience from dead works, each thing


Cleansed from things of man-made doing

Which cannot salvation bring

Cleansed to serve the living God true

We in Christ made creatures new


We benefit, New Covenant

God to us His Son has sent

He does forgive the penitent

Their state of heart repentant