

I feel like I\'ve been running from these demons that inside of me but they are getting closer and closer like before

I\'m scared to death that they will get me and break me till every last inch of me is gone

These make-believe voices won\'t go away they are getting louder as the demons get closer

I\'m sick of it these feeling, I\'m losing it my mind it\'s about to explode into millions of pieces, soon all that will be left is ashes of my brain 

 I feel fragile like I will break any second, all I want is to be strong mentally like my friends and family, to prove my demons wrongs but right now it\'s so hard...

I give up! what is left for me anymore other than being a burned to everyone!

I\'ve got no where to go now I\'m so lone, depression has got me captive I don\'t feel happy any more, even though to everyone else I\'m the happy smiley girl

They don\'t know what goes on deep inside my mind and soul, I wish my time would just end now

I wish I could be like the rest of you and be happy but I can\'t I\'m sorry