
In All Seriousness

To those who truely know me,

know that I have a strong sense of humor.

Still in all serious,

we need a revival.

When we speak the name of Jesus,

we must say it -

we all must say it with authority.

We need more crusades.

We must know,

that the devil is real.

He manipulates people,

on this earth in everyway.

He is in every city of this world.

We must be able,

to point out the devil,

and show him no fear.

We must be radical Christians.

We must not be loud Christians.

We must not be quiet Christians.

We must profess Christ.

We must profess the Word of God.

We must not only profess our faith.

No one cares about your faith.

We must take,

the Gospel seriously,

because the devil takes,

the Gospel seriously.

So we must take the devil seriously.

He is preparing for a war.

So we must prepare for a war,

not a physical war,

with guns and ammunition,

and ballistic missiles.

There are no rules,

in this war.

There are no sanctions.

It is an invisible war,

a spiritual war.

It is one that we can only,

fight and win with Christ Jesus.

Yes, there will be a revival,

and you mark my words,

it will happen soon.

Nevertheless, when this revival happens,

there will also be,

young false powerful preachers,

and false powerful pasters,

who call themselves evangelicals.

There will be young false leaders.

They will try and teach a new doctrine.

We must know,

who is of God and who is not.

This is serious.

There is always a time for humor,

Still, we must be vigilant.

We must be diligent,

in everything that we do.