Tune: Serenity
(\'Immortal love, forever full\')
Hebrews 9 v.22-28
Almost all things are by the law
Cleansed by blood, \'tis for sure
And without blood-shedding is none
Forgiveness, not for one
For Christ in the New Covenant
The Father has Him sent
As our high priest, in heaven appears
To presence of God nears
Not that He offers as in Old [Covenant]
Sacrifices retold
Repeated yearly by high priest
At each Atonement feast
For is so He must have suffered
Often, and self offered
But now in end times has appeared
That sin be dealt with, cleared
And as it is so appointed
To men once to die, heed
But after this the judgement day
To render each their way
So Christ was once offered to bear
The sins of many there
Upon the cross, His sacrifice
Offering did suffice
Unto them that do for Him wait
He shall appear not late
Returns, now having dealt with sin
Brings full salvation in