

I cannot help but stop and look at haunting dreams.
Do dreams make you shiver?
do they?

One afternoon I said to myself,
\"Why aren\'t causes more natural?\"
Causes are phantasmal. causes are spiritual,
causes are fey, however.

Insomnia is, in its way, the night state of sleep disorder.
\"Echo\", said the insomnia,
And \"echo\" then \"echo\" again.

Hurts, however hard they try,
Will always be cunning.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the hurts,
Gently they go - the tricksy, the guileful, the ingenious.

The unenlightenment that\'s really immersive,
Above all others is the darkness.
Does the darkness make you shiver?
does it?

The period that\'s really ungodly,
Above all others is the hour.
Are you upset by how irreligious it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the hour so wicked?

Peace, love, empathy.