

I don\'t think anyone has loved you like I do

But I know it was all for nothing

Because your heart lied while mine stayed true


I know you will never read this

Or the other million poems I have written 

To just explain your intoxicating kiss


It will be something I have to deal with for the rest of my life

And I know to just get up in the morning

Will be one hell of a fight


Some people might think I\'m breaking-up with you

But I promise you I\'m not

Cause it was your heart not mine that with-drew


I guess there\'s a lesson to be learned from all this pain

Now I know to keep my heart\'s intentions unknown

Till I know your heart\'s intentions are the same


But I guess you can\'t blame my young foolish heart

But I must say It was wrong of you

To take my heart\'s innocents and tear it apart


But I hope your happy

After all I promised you in the end

That I\'d never write you something sappy