
I See You

I see you


I can see it in your eyes.

They speak to me,

Things you want to say but never will,

Emotions you exude,




The apprehension in your voice,

How the words cling to your lips a little longer than they should as if they are tripping on your teeth on their way out.

You do not hide it well,

This illusion fools the rest of the world but not I,

I feel you,

Like a thousand lightning bolts,

The hurt from what was lost still stained on your skin like the heartbreak dyed you BRIGHT RED and I,

I see you,

Past the funny jokes and the mask you try so desperately to hold on to,

Past the countless words meant to reassure not me

but YOU that you are indeed okay.


Yet you must know it is okay.

To NOT be okay.

It makes this life real.

It makes you human.

It proves to you that the blood that pushes through your veins is still warm.


That you still exist...


Do not shelter me from you.


Do not pretend to be anything less than you.


It is useless.


I find beauty in the flaws,  in the scars that paint your canvas.


The reflection of imperfection that is you suits me perfectly,


pssst.... I see you.
