
I hope you understand

I hope you understand why I stay quiet whilst you walk away.

I hope you understand that although I have not spoken, I have so much left to say.

My mouth may not be open, but the words that are left unspoken 

are wrapped around my mind every day.


I hope you understand my selfishness.

I hope you understand that I need you to help me fix this mess.

I know it isn\'t best for you, staying will only hurt you but

if you stay it will hurt me less.


I hope you understand that I always loved you.

I gave everything I could, but it\'s not enough for you.

I had never felt that way before, I was scared and wanting more

than I could physically allow myself to give to you.


I hope you understand my heart is yours.

It belongs to no one else, not in a million years.

I know your smile is wider now, and I\'m just left wondering how

I can be without you but without all of these tears.


I understand why you left, I promise.

I cause more pain than comfort and I\'m sorry.

If I could ease your broken mind, then maybe you\'d ease mine

but I can\'t, I\'m no good at keeping promises.