Kurt Philip Behm

Redemption Profaned (+5)

Bubbling up through the surface,

 one truth leaches out


Like a word long forbidden,

 oft whispered—it shouts


Rising up to the heavens,

 its message proclaims


“The eruption has started,

  redemption profaned”


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2018)


The Moment Hostage


The past cried out a dire warning

 unlocking you from the moment


“History rules, the die is cast

  —the future of your discontent”


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2018)




Hidden Nightmare 


Mountains are never as grave as the Sea,

  great heights with all dangers exposed


But depths that lay sullen, undiscovered, and dark

 —hide a nightmare to sailors like me


(Airplane-Las Vegas To Philadelphia: January, 2016)



Is Anyone


Is anyone ever a total fraud

  or totally sincere?


Is anyone committed beyond mere space

  to a notion fond and dear?


Is anyone ever one hundred percent

  with subtraction the rule of the day?


Is anyone better than what they believe

  or worse than a mother can pray?


Is anyone ever truly in charge

  of that moment that slips through the hand?


Is anyone willing to dance beyond hope

  to a melody lost by the band?


Is anyone chosen from those who are not

  or entitled to what can’t be earned?


Is anyone welcomed straight into the light

 —on a path where all others have turned?


(Airplane-Las Vegas To Philadelphia: January, 2016)



Balance Be Damned


Eat the dessert first,

  balance be damned


The icing to start

 —your cake to withstand


(Las Vegas-Cheesecake Factory: January, 2016)


The Talisman


Persuader inside me

  dark sweetness cajoling


A talisman dangles

 —the present foretold


(Las Vegas: January, 2016)