Kurt Philip Behm

With Words Untold (+3)

I always felt

  when it was time to die


The Muse would know

  before you or I


The hours borrowed,

  the moments loaned


Return to feelings

 and verse unflown


With eyes never clearer,

  or heart so bold


I make my exit

  —with words untold


(Schuylkill Expressway: February, 2016)



New Melody To Learn


A chorus of enlightenment….

  she’s woken up again


With sheets still warm, my heart she bathes,

  ablution wet within


Through steam I see her message clear,

  the mirror does confirm


My words now washed, fresh thoughts to dry

  —new melody to learn


(Court At KOP: February, 2016)



Your Eyes Close Again


If you think it’s just one thing

  while believing it’s not


Or you hope it’s another,

  then folly’s your lot


If you swear it sits outside,

  as you dream from within


All meaning encrypts

  —and your eyes close again


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)




New Light Unspoken


Nocturnal flower

In need of sleep

Your petals wilt

The count for sheep


New dawn unpromised

The die is cast

A croupier blocking

Sun’s setting mask


Through endless courtship

Dreams on the run

A jester whispers

Till sleep has come


The meadow sparse

Its reaper gone

New light unspoken

  —your buds in song


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)