
Sentence Me With Jesus

The Judge said,

in a deep voice,

\"Do you have,

any final words,

before I tell you your sentence\".

The defendant stood up and spoke.

\"Your honor, I know that you,

the jourey, this courtroom, and

probably everyone else,

in this country,

thinks that I am guilty of committing,

a crime.

I probably even look as though,

I committed a crime.

Still I stand by what I said.

I am innocent.

Still, I am not mad.

Sentenced or not,

I do not care.

I am not afraid of anything.

Nevertheless, I do know,

that Jesus will always,

be by myside

no matter where I am\",

the defendant said.

the defendant pointed his finger,

to the judge and said,

\"As for you all...

I pray that you,

know Jesus,

and that you all,

ask for his forgivness\".