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Cat Head Biscuits

Cat Head Biscuits


They were golden brown

And buttery from the oven

With some molasses there

And the hungry there all lovin’


They were grandma’s biscuits

Made each morning from scratch

With no recipe written down

But memorized from way back


Served with a cup of coffee

And the children getting juice

There was milk for those older

And buttermilk for grandpa too


We said grace each morning

At our breakfast there

With a sunny egg or two

That grandma would prepare


The biscuits were always enjoyed

As we prepared for the day

Whether the busy little kids

Or the adults at hauling hay


The biscuits were always a staple

Of our big country breakfasts

With their place on the table

From grandma to her guests  


Grandma passed on her secret

So that mom can bake today

They must always be baked with love

Was all she had to say