
Cherish It

Intwined with innocence,

Sealed by a kiss of love,

Breathed into, blind to all violence,

Purer than a white dove,

And importantly defying silence,

Cherish it.


Never more had nature appealed,

As while flying through the mustard field,

Swinging around the tree,

And running from the wind so free,

Oh teasing the wind that we can\'t see,

Cherish it.


Camping under the wondrous stars,

Gasping wide-eyed at sweets in jars,

And drifting into siesta in the back seat of a car,

While bearing in mind that you\'re terrified of the dark,

Cherish it.


Now stuck up in business,

Of fists up in a brawl,

Enduring and bottling pain,

Whereas as a child you would bawl,

You remembered the days when you did that all,

When your biggest worry was a minor trip of fall,

Now your stress stretches far more tall,

And you can\'t in solace kick a football,

And you pass life as it becomes more complicated bit by bit,

So you whisper to yourself,

\" I wish I cherished it\".