Kurt Philip Behm

Fates Retort (+7)

To live within the moment,

  and write as love doth now befriend


      “It’s light burning brightest as the

         hours grow short”


The beginning reunited

  with the journey’s end


       “All memory imploding

          on fates retort”


But the window stays open,

  my heart beats faster still


      “The march to freedom

         neither to nor from”


Time enslaved in a final breath

    one last line to say I will


      “The past and future

          left exposed—undone”


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)


A Hollowed Out Tree


Living inside the base of a hollowed out tree

  since childhood, my dreams have been formed


Living inside a space where the walls almost touched

  kept me hidden, protected, and warm


Living inside a place that no others could see

  beyond privacy, I became lost in myself


Living inside the base of a hollowed out tree

  —where boyhood memories and wishes still dwell


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)






You can wish and hope for a hundred years,

  or play the game a day at a time


You can focus on what’s at the end of the road,

  or squeeze three nickels from your very last dime


You can pray for still more than some others might have,

  or be thankful for what lies at your feet


You can love in the face of jealousy and hate

   —or start downward on hell’s one-way street


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016) 





Words, once you free them

 —no longer slave to your name


(Villanova Pennsylvania: From a longer Poem-Fall 2015)


No More Could I Seek


When my words are read

  by the common man


No higher praise could

  any writer ask


The awards and the accolades

  from the intellectual elite


Pale in comparison

  to that man ‘in the street’


When my words are read

  by those ‘salt of the earth’


My spirit is lifted,

  and I’m home from my search


Both steadfast and loyal

  to themselves and to me


No more could I ask for

  —no more could I seek


(Villanova Pennsylvania: Watching the New Hampshire Primary- February 9th, 2016)




A Softer Rhyme


Are the feelings soft

  but the words rock hard


Turning emotion into anger

  or worse


Are those wishes pure

  when the ink goes down


Are the letters aligned

  or off course


Are the feelings soft

  but the sentences vile


When frustration takes over

  your rhyme


Is the Muse trying to whisper

  as you shout to the crowd….


       “Step back

         —nothing forced is sublime”


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016) 



My Spirit Complete


Combining thought with emotion,

  the words came to life


The images eternal,

  as feelings ignite


The lines now in concert

  all stanzas to meet


My psyche impassioned,

  —my spirit complete


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)


Divinity\'s Hymn


I sold my soul

  for new meter and rhyme


Trading salvation

  for a thing greater still


The joyous embrace

  of one hell damning phrase


Now immortal, perpetual



I sold my soul

  as the Devil laughed


Knowing not, my final words

  were for him


Exposing his lie

  and his legions of hate


My last breath

  —Divinity’s hymn


(Villanova Pennsylvania: February, 2016)