
Rainbow Bridge

You let me in and i don\'t know why.

Youve had a troubled past and so have i.

You hated everyone,

Except for me....

You turned on everyone,

Except for me.....

I loved you,

And for some reason you loved me back.


You were dangerous,

And so they took your life away.

I watched your life disintegrate in my arms,

I watched you cross that rainbow bridge.

You were never a danger to me only to them.

Sometimes i wish you would\'ve turned on me so i could\'ve seen the danger,

But that\'s just it,

You never wanted to hurt me,

Only those who came close to me you did,

All you ever wanted to do was protect me,

And i failed to protect you.


I should\'ve fought harder,

I should\'ve been stronger,

But in the end,

It costed you your life,

And it costed me my best friend.

Just remember while your up there,

That for the months i knew you,

I loved you from the minute i saw you,

But love doesn\'t always win the toughest of battles,

So in my heart you\'ll forever be,

Ill forever love you my King!