
Searching For God\'s Purpose

Your entire life,

You were considered the underdog.

You never had any friends.

People made fun of you,

because of how you looked,

or because of how you spoke.

You were never the fastest person.

While everyone else,

moved on to have well paying careers,

the only job you could get,

was working in a burger restaurant.

Everything you have ever tried in life,

you never had an opportunity,

to see it through to the end.

You know what failure is.

You know what death is.

You know what sadness is.

Yet, you never quit praying.

You know you are a good person.

You are unselfish.

You stay positive,

and you never stop praying.

You know your moment will come.

You do not even bother,

to wait for it.

You know it will happen.

and you keep on praying.

You know that God has a purpose,

for everybody,

including you.

Then your moment comes.

Without you knowing,

you do something truely great.

You do something greater,

then all your peers have ever done,

and you give thanks to the Lord.

Now it is you,

who\'s name will forever be remembered,

and you humbly smile.