
Plenteous Praises

Tune: Hanover

(\'O worship the King\')


Psalm 145 v.8

The LORD is gracious, full of compassion

He will not forget, no not even one

He is slow to anger and of great mercy

Now His gracious blessings we here each do see


Psalm 145 v.13

Your kingdom it be of everlasting

Our worship to you we gratefully bring

And your dominion it for ever endures

Through all generations praise unto you soars


Psalm 146 v.5

O happy they be, that people, their state

Whose help is the LORD God, He aids not late

And their hope is in Him unto countless days

They seek Him, continual discover His ways


Psalm 147 v.5

Great is our LORD, He be of great power

Displaying His might, glory, every hour

His understanding it sure be infinite

His judgements shown truly, they holy and right


Psalm 148 v.13

Let all praise the LORD, His name excellent

His Son for our salvation He has sent

His glory is above the heaven and earth

We honour and praise Him and give Him His worth


Psalm 149 v.3

Praise Him in the dance, expressions here shown

For great is the LORD, His presence here known

And take up too instruments, music, and song

Your heart\'s desire to praise Him all day, night long


Psalm 150 v.6

Praise Him with song and employ every art

None need be left out, take up now your part

Each creature qualifies, if they have breath, yes

They may join in praising the Lord, and Him bless