

What am i doing here 

I hate my life and what I\'ve done

I just want to disappear

To everyone who might care probably no one I\'m sorry for using this gun   

I just hate everything about me

My body

My face 

My hands 

My feet 


What do you expect of me 

I was nothing to my family but the doctors say depression is taking over now they all of a sudden care

I got the .45 to my head

I went to school and everyone fled.

Maybe I should just tie a noose and kick the chair out 

Fuck it im taking this into my own hands and pulling the trigger of the .45 i cant live in this world no longer im sorry for all the pain ill cause you but yet no one will care or notice fuck love and what it represents im tired of all this bullshit in this world for fucks sake im just going to blow my head wide open and not give a fuck my mind will be at peace