

Pain.....pain is what you\'re left with when love makes an exit....when 10yrs is reduced to it\'s lowest terms....a few days of bad arguments....she starting shit,you starting shit...just to get to a point in time where it  ain\'t no restarting it....pain can make a young man feel like an old man based on how his heart feels...I\'m talking literal pain...physical..it feels like your heart is doing cartwheels....pain made me promise I won\'t let this make my heart sour....and then I see her...and just like that...I\'m turned into a liar...pain is like a prison sentence...and it pains me to say...I\'m a two time felon....and that\'s just the last two years...you know as black men we can\'t stay out the system......crazy part is THIS TIME...I swore it would be different....and in truth it is....this time the pain feels more persistent....pain has a way of making you blind...here\'s an example...this is my 3rd time putting my heart back together...each time with less pieces than before...because in my pain, I was baffled.......pain is when you\'re past the point of reconciliation or even friendship.....and you don\'t want her to see your side....you just want her to simply acknowledge you exist.....pain has taught me in it\'s infinite wisdom, to not fight...that only prolongs the healing............so I guess I\'m dealing.


                                    By Kareem Francis