Nostalgic Reminiscence Where\'r Thee Be Maryann Sage
smitten with a forsaken long lost love
XXX plus years ago,
aye since didst roam\'n o\'er hill and dale
as one heart broken beau
twas being cow warring utter oxymoron,
whereby thy perfect match I do
frankly admit foolishly out sourcing
of (good NOT FAKE nor bad) grief emo
shun hull distress disgraceful,
which hide de lee recognize coveted prime mate,
(who shared love of playing scrabble,
and born same January 13th birthdate,
yet six orbits thy senior)
mine golden opportunity to lose,
viz ma mish mashed aggravating huff flew
vee yam this then
young asinine buck unwittingly
inflicted long forgot \'til
ear layer t\'day thee spouse
showed me an photograph,
when suddenly this lix spittle
curmudgeonly bard
unexpectedly experienced
abysmal love stricken agony
(that despite pro missing to pledge -
while taking a knee -
troth Abby Robin - hoo
became thy lawful legal wife - of Jew
whoosh heritage juiced like me, and knew
instantaneously upon
setting eyes this then boyish lad -
hood bid tootle loo
at bachelorhood, when she eyed thyself
(wedded now deux plucks decades),
though no moo
nee tomb aye name,
thus har courtship rocky, hen new
idea how tubby affectionate,
hence early married life
pitched \'tween Scylla and Charybdis
fondness (albeit ex post facto) hike queue
this poetic beat (fashionably late love note)
ye, whose Capricorn astrological sign
didst bid eternal happiness
now delayed repercussions I rue!