
The Adrenalin of Anthophila

A hundred or so brothers, wake from the same bed,

Rising with voracious verve, so that they can keep ahead,

For their work is literally sweet, and oh so very needed,

As through zealous pollination, new fruits are seeded,


A syrupy sumptuous sensation, is the reward that they give,

That can either be a treat for us, or a remedy to live,

Thus, obvious continued thanks, is given by Homo sapiens

To tiny giants who loudly wear, their black and gold blazers


But a warning should be given, do not disturb their labour,

For you’ll get their sharp back up, and their stab you’ll rue later,

They will also regret, as their attack could cease their existence,

So, mutual space should be given, to encourage good persistence,


The adrenalin that you have small one, is a wonder to behold,

A picture perfect example to us, of how to gracefully grow old,

Hence the next time, I am in a garden, or consuming high tea,

I will toast to the might of the Anthophila, or for short, a bee!