
Monday Mistake

I rise at four to greet the day,
my wife\'s asleep and so I say
my morning prayers, explore the news,
make coffee, toast and then I view
the glories of the morning dawn,
a lovely moment quickly gone.
Time to dress, sleep must wait,
time moves on, can\'t be late.
Shower, shave, select my tie
out the door I\'ve got to fly
to catch the crosstown city bus.
My boss get mad, makes such a fuss
when workers show up late.

An hour passed, no bus appeared,
a situation very weird.
It\'s always right on time each day
and so to my complete dismay
I\'ve time to sit and read the news,
the headlines, sports and book reviews.
The morning paper stand is near,
I\'ll grab a copy, then run here
in case my bus comes down the street.
My job awaits, I\'ve got to meet
the timeclock\'s solemn face.

The paper open on my lap,
two words jump off the page and snap
my brain to startled disbelief,
well, blow me over like a leaf!
I\'m in a stunned, confused condition
for on the front page, top position
are shocking words, \"Sunday Edition\".

But, isn\'t today Monday?