
Muse of light But Sirens song

I find it a tad bit curious
How you can be my muse
But also a siren leading me to shipwreck
You cross my mind
With a contagious smile
With eyes of Crystal blue
Drawing me in with a calm tide
The smooth as a stone
Lines that roll from the tongue
Or the joyful laughter, tickling in my ear
Such a tricky thing
I can\'t seem to let go
You make my pen dance to a marvelous wonder
But to my shaken heart
Shaking the foundation of where all is built
Collasping building to ruble
You never once joined me in this race
Bit sometimes i feel your so close I can taste
Looking for as I alwaus do, with each glance
Only to find whisked away, never in my play
Now long gone and locked away
Its funny, besides that last rhyme
Would you even have an idea
That you are my muse
Bur also the siren leading me astray?