Snowflake Incorrigable

Thine Days Are Coming......

Devilling in sick deluded splendor our white masters of life

The damned sages of the universe and the galaxy beyond

Sadists gurgling blood and shroud deans of demons of strife

your porous bones adorn Lucifer\'s altar draping in shades blond

The muse holds your putrid tongues will blunt Satan\'s knife

While he awaits to cavort with you in his molten lava pond


Your inglorious felicities find favour with cloying darkness rife

you twirl, twist and dance with the hemlock ed desires spawned

In the craven where you and your lost off springs harbour grief

poisonous festered minds meets judgment as the Devil yawned

thousands of you in for a thousand more sated years without relief

and white noise turns in thunderous refrain of flamed souls pained