
Flesh And The Spirit - Galatians Series:5

Tune: Golden Sheaves

(\'To thee, O Lord, our hearts we raise\')

Galatians 5 v.16-26


Walk (live) in the Spirit, and then shall

Lust of the flesh not prevail

For flesh against the Spirit lusts

In us, we made of mere dust

And th Spirit against the flesh

Lusts, \'tis a contrary mesh

So that you cannot do what you

Would do, though you try anew


But if you of the Spirit led

He rules your life, He your Head

Then you are not under the law

But are under grace for sure

Now the works of the flesh they be

Manifest, and they are, see

Fornication and uncleanness

Hatred and licentiousness


Too adultery, sorcery

Variance, idolatry

Emulations, strifes, seditions

Wrath, strife, and too dissensions

Heresies, envyings, murders

Drunkenness, revellings, stirs

And such like, but they inherit

Not kingdom of God, not fit


But the fruit of the Spirit be

Good and true in each whit, see

Love, joy, peace, and longsuffering

Gentleness, goodness, we sing

Faithfulness, meekness, temperance

Lives self-controlled through Christ hence

And kindness, compassion, and car

Christ\'s fragrance spread everywhere


And they that are Christ\'s have for sure

Crucified their flesh, made pure

Their lives through Him, flesh affections

Put to death with lusts, passions

If we do in the Spirit live

Let us ourselves to Him give

And in the Spirit walk each day

Not in old sinful flesh way